

SKU: tomega Category:


A block is shown along with a real aluminum spike. All can be examined. They’re placed inside a paper bag. Three other paper bags are brought out, along with three other empty blocks. The bags are opened and the empty blocks are placed in them. The audience sees the real spike and sees the other empty blocks. The bags can be mixed up in several ways. A turntable is not mandatory. After being mixed up, the audience can pick the bags to smash, or the magician can choose. After three bags are smashed, the magician tears open the last bag and the spike is revealed. The magician is safe.

T-Omega is 100% safe. A remake and update of T2-Sterile, and comes in a four or six version. Comes with four or six blocks, a real aluminum spike, four or six secret gimmicks, online video instructions, and all packs down and travels in the space of a 4″ cube. You can perform T-Omega with the minimum of four paper bags and one foulard. Which makes this the most versatile version there has been.


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